6 Eylül 2024
10 ay önce
Head of the Hamas Political Bureau: The American administration gives Israel the cover of killing and destruction
10 ay önce
Head of the Political Bureau of Hamas: There is no exodus from Gaza to Egypt
10 ay önce
Head of the Hamas Political Bureau: We tell Egypt that our decision is to remain in Gaza
10 ay önce
German Foreign Minister: We are discussing with the United Nations and our partners how to bring humanitarian aid into Gaza from the Rafah crossing
10 ay önce
Turkish Foreign Minister: We reject the exodus of Palestinians to Egypt and stand with Cairo in this regard
10 ay önce
Egypt refused to allow American citizenship holders to pass through the Rafah crossing unless an agreement included the entry of aid into the Gaza Strip
10 ay önce
An Israeli security delegation arrived in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, to discuss developments in the situation in Gaza.
10 ay önce
U.S. officials have negotiated a temporary opening at the Rafah border between Gaza and Egypt for U.S. citizens in Gaza seeking to flee the violence there, said a senior State Department official
The launch of an Egyptian aid convoy provided by the National Alliance for Civil Action, including 115 trucks loaded with tons of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.10 ay önce
The launch of an Egyptian aid convoy provided by the National Alliance for Civil Action, including 115 trucks loaded with tons of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.
10 ay önce
The Israeli army: The Rafah crossing is closed, and any movement that takes place through it is coordinated with the Egyptian side
10 ay önce
Egypt has taken “unprecedented measures” to reinforce its border with Gaza and prevent any breaches, a senior Egyptian security official says - AP
United Nations: No aid is currently reaching the Gaza Strip amid the continued closure of border crossings
10 ay önce
Residents of towns in the Hevel Shalom area, near the tri-border with Gaza and Egypt, are ordered to remain in shelters amid a suspected drone infiltration from Gaza, local authorities say
US official: Washington is holding talks to allow foreigners to leave Gaza through the Rafah crossing
The White House: We are working with Egypt and Israel to provide safe passage out of Gaza before a possible invasion
10 ay önce
Sisi: Palestinians in Gaza "must stay steadfast and remain on their land."
10 ay önce
Blinken: I will meet with the leaders of Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Egypt and Qatar
The Jordanian Armed Forces send the first relief aid planes to Al-Arish International Airport in preparation for their delivery to the Gaza Strip via the Rafah land crossing, in full coordination with the Egyptian authorities.11 ay önce
The Jordanian Armed Forces send the first relief aid planes to Al-Arish International Airport in preparation for their delivery to the Gaza Strip via the Rafah land crossing, in full coordination with the Egyptian authorities.
11 ay önce
Egyptian Foreign Minister, commenting on the Gaza war: There are limits to any military action
11 ay önce
Associated Press, citing an Egyptian source: We reject the establishment of exit corridors from Gaza for Palestinians fleeing the Strip.
11 ay önce
Al-Sisi and the Secretary-General of the United Nations are discussing stopping the escalation in the region
Blinken: We are discussing opening safe corridors with Israel and Egypt, but the situation is complex and Israel must take steps that allow it to defend itself
11 ay önce
Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry: There is an escalation in military operations, but we have accelerated contacts with Israel, the Palestinians and international partners to calm the situation
11 ay önce
Reuters, citing two Egyptian security sources: Cairo is moving to prevent a mass exodus from Gaza to Sinai
11 ay önce
Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Egyptian Parliament, former Dr. Imad Gad: Egyptian convoys carrying food and medical aid will move this morning towards the Gaza Strip through the Rafah crossing.
11 ay önce
Egypt warns Israel of the consequences of the "collective punishment" policy in Gaza
11 ay önce
The Egyptian official tells @TimesofIsrael Israel has thus far dismissed Cairo's efforts to mediate any sort of de-escalation, indicating that it wants to deal a knock-out blow to Hamas first before entertaining the idea of a ceasefire
11 ay önce
Israel is readying for a months-long ground campaign in Gaza, an Egyptian official tells @TimesofIsrael, saying that this message has been passed along from Jerusalem to Cairo
11 ay önce
Director of the Egyptian Red Crescent in North Sinai: We stopped sending aid to Gaza after traffic stopped at the Rafah crossing
11 ay önce
Al-Sisi: Egypt is intensifying its contacts at all levels to stop the current military confrontations between the Palestinians and Israel