7 Июль 2024
8 месяц назад
The Egyptian President: We hope that we will soon witness an end to the violence in Gaza and the preservation of civilian lives
8 месяц назад
Military spokesman in Egypt: Another drone coming from the south of the Red Sea fell in Taba
8 месяц назад
Israeli army spokesman: We call on the residents of the Gaza Strip to move south
8 месяц назад
Hagari: "Israel will work together with Egypt and the US and tighten the defense against threats in the Red Sea"
8 месяц назад
Egypt's envoy to the United Nations: Silence is no longer an option regarding what is happening to the Palestinians
8 месяц назад
Egyptian warplanes were flying over Nuweiba and Taba from dawn
8 месяц назад
Official Egyptian media: An unknown object fell near the Nuweiba power station in South Sinai
8 месяц назад
According to the Egyptian army, the explosion in Taba was caused by an unidentified drone. In Nueva it is not yet clear exactly what happened
8 месяц назад
Israeli army Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari: "In the last few hours, an aerial threat was detected in the Red Sea. Fighter jets were scrambled to the threat and the issue is under investigation. To our understanding, the impact that was in Egypt originates from this threat
8 месяц назад
Multiple local sources suggest that a projectile impacted the Red Sea town of Nuweiba, in Sinai. This follows an impact last night in Taba
8 месяц назад
A missile fell in Taba, wounding 6 people and damaging a building
8 месяц назад
Egyptian media: The Egyptian authorities are conducting investigations to determine the circumstances of the missile accident in Taba
8 месяц назад
About 74 trucks have gotten in to Gaza with humanitarian aid in last 24 hours, White House’s John Kirby says
8 месяц назад
Egypt ready to process foreign nationals coming via Rafah, @StateDeptSpox says. At times, there has been no one at Rafah from Hamas to open the gates, says other times armed Hamas militants have blocked the exit
8 месяц назад
Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh spoke with the head of Egyptian intelligence, Minister Abbas Kamel, where they discussed events occurring in the Gaza Strip - Hamas
8 месяц назад
Macron: Decisive action must be taken to reach a two-state solution
8 месяц назад
French President: We need to deliver humanitarian aid to the Palestinians without delay
8 месяц назад
Macron: I decided to send a French ship to support Gaza hospitals
Commander-in-Chief of the Egypt Armed Forces and President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi inspected the combat preparations of the 4th Armored Division, one of the 3rd Field Army divisions in Suez8 месяц назад
Commander-in-Chief of the Egypt Armed Forces and President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi inspected the combat preparations of the 4th Armored Division, one of the 3rd Field Army divisions in Suez
8 месяц назад
Egyptian Foreign Minister: We need to implement an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza
8 месяц назад
Hamas spokesman says following Egyptian mediation, they released two Israelis (Nurit Yitzhak and Yochved Lifshitz). Hamas claims they released them despite Israel refusing to take them. No confirmation yet if the two hostages were actually released
8 месяц назад
United Nations: 20 trucks carrying humanitarian aid crossed into Gaza from Egypt on Monday
8 месяц назад
Egyptian statement: Al-Sisi and a delegation from the US Senate stress the necessity of working to prevent the expansion of the conflict in Gaza
8 месяц назад
More planes carrying aid from several countries arrive at Al-Arish Airport
8 месяц назад
A fourth aid convoy crosses from the Egyptian side to the Gaza Strip through the Rafah border crossing, most of which are medical supplies and some trucks loaded with food.
8 месяц назад
The Palestinian Red Crescent: We received 34 aid trucks from the Egyptian Red Crescent
Iran and Egypt FMs, in a phone call, discussed stopping attacks and sending humanitarian aid to Gaza. Egypt FM briefed Iran FM on recent Cairo conference & Iranian FM praised Cairo’s efforts. Iran FM said Tehran is ready to send humanitarian aid to Gaza through Egypt8 месяц назад
Iran and Egypt FMs, in a phone call, discussed stopping attacks and sending humanitarian aid to Gaza. Egypt FM briefed Iran FM on recent Cairo conference & Iranian FM praised Cairo’s efforts. Iran FM said Tehran is ready to send humanitarian aid to Gaza through Egypt
8 месяц назад
Egyptian Army: Border monitors were injured by fragments of a shell accidentally fired by an Israeli tank
8 месяц назад
Israeli army says that a tank accidentally launched a shell towards an Egyptian army position near Kerem Shalom , incident is being investigated and the Israeli army had officially issued an apology
8 месяц назад
Reuters: An explosion and the sound of ambulances being heard near the Rafah crossing