29 Септембар 2024
4 месец Пре
Egyptian Foreign Minister: The Israeli behavior that rejects peace will drag the entire region under unprecedented threats
5 месец Пре
Egyptian official source: Positive progress in the truce negotiations in Gaza
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A high-ranking Egyptian source: There is positive progress in the Gaza negotiations as contacts continue with all parties
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French Foreign Minister: Paris and Cairo's message to Tel Aviv is not to carry out an attack in Rafah
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The French Foreign Minister, after his talks in Egypt, confirms the continuation of work to secure a truce in Gaza
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The Egyptian President and the Emir of Kuwait stress the necessity of reaching an immediate and sustainable ceasefire in the Gaza Strip
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Egyptian Prime Minister: The most important goal is how to reach a settlement to end the Gaza war
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Egyptian Prime Minister: We are trying to make every effort to stop the war in Gaza
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Egyptian Prime Minister: Adhering to the two-state solution is the only way to solve the "Palestine issue"
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Prime Minister of Egypt: We need decades to rebuild the Gaza Strip again
"Axios": Israel made clear to the Egyptian security delegation that it is ready to give a final chance to reach a deal regarding the detainees.
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A source in the Turkish presidency: The Egyptian President will visit Türkiye next week
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Egypt asked Israel to engage in negotiations again in exchange for freezing the attack on Rafah
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The Egyptian President: Our position is clear by rejecting the displacement of Palestinians
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Airplanes launch a series of raids on areas near the Palestinian-Egyptian border south of Rafah
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The Egyptian President warns against any military operation in the Palestinian Rafah
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Egyptian Foreign Minister: The necessity of establishing a Palestinian state to end the conflict in the region
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Egyptian Foreign Minister: There must be a political path that leads to the establishment of a Palestinian state
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Egyptian Foreign Minister: We seek to improve our relations with Türkiye politically and security-wise
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Turkish Foreign Minister: Regional issues are the focus of cooperation between Egypt and Turkey
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Turkish Foreign Minister: We agree with Egypt on the necessity of Libya's unity and sovereignty
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Turkish Foreign Minister: We are keen to cooperate with Egypt to deliver aid to Gaza
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Egyptian Foreign Minister: It must be recognized that the displacement of Palestinians constitutes a war crime
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Egyptian Foreign Minister: It is necessary for Hamas and Israel to show the political will to reach a ceasefire in Gaza
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Egyptian Foreign Ministry: We call on international parties supporting peace to recognize the Palestinian state
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Egypt's representative to the United Nations: We stress our rejection of Israel's efforts to ignite a regional escalation in the Middle East and open new war fronts.
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Egypt's representative before the Security Council: We demand the implementation of an immediate ceasefire in Gaza
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An Israeli raid targeted agricultural land near the Palestinian-Egyptian border, south of Rafah
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The Egyptian Foreign Ministry expresses its deep concern regarding the Iranian-Israeli escalation
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Al Arabiya sources: Egypt is intensifying its contacts with all parties to stop the escalation