20 September 2024
5 dag geleden
Egyptisch ministerie van Volksgezondheid: Eerste dodental door treinbotsing in Zagazig: 29 gewonden, 2 doden
5 dag geleden
Noodstatus verhoogd in Zagazig University Hospitals in afwachting van aankomst slachtoffers treinbotsing
6 dag geleden
Egyptische minister van Buitenlandse Zaken: Israël gebruikt honger als wapen tegen Palestijnen
6 dag geleden
Egyptische minister van Buitenlandse Zaken: Wij verwerpen de Israëlische militaire aanwezigheid in de Philadelphi Corridor en de Palestijnse kant van de grensovergang bij Rafah
Russische raket trof een schip met een lading Oekraïens graan dat onderweg was naar Egypte in de internationale wateren van de Zwarte Zee1 week geleden
Russische raket trof een schip met een lading Oekraïens graan dat onderweg was naar Egypte in de internationale wateren van de Zwarte Zee
1 week geleden
Ethiopische troepen hebben de controle overgenomen over belangrijke luchthavens in de Somalische regio Gedo, waaronder Luq, Dolow en Bardere, in een poging om de mogelijke luchtbrug van Egyptische troepen naar het gebied te voorkomen
Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken van de VS: Verenigde Staten zullen Egypte 1,3 miljard dollar aan militaire financiering verstrekken
1 week geleden
German President: Egypt plays pivotal role in delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza Strip
1 week geleden
Saudi Foreign Minister: We agree with Egypt on the necessity of stopping the war in Sudan
1 week geleden
Saudi Foreign Minister: Israel's Obstruction of Aid to Gaza is a War Crime
Egyptian Foreign Minister: We and Saudi Arabia reject escalation in the Red Sea
1 week geleden
Egyptian Foreign Minister: We reiterate with Saudi Arabia our call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza
1 week geleden
Egyptian Foreign Ministry: We condemn in the strongest terms the bombing of the tents of the displaced in Mawasi Khan Yunis
1 week geleden
Secretary-General of the Arab League: It has become clear to everyone today that Netanyahu is not ready to conclude a deal
1 week geleden
Egyptian Foreign Minister: Our priority is to stop the aggression on Gaza and allow humanitarian and medical aid to reach the Strip
1 week geleden
Egyptian Foreign Minister: We stress the need to adhere to the two-state solution and the establishment of the Palestinian state
1 week geleden
Jordanian Foreign Minister heads to Cairo to chair meeting of Arab ministerial committee tasked with international action to confront illegal Israeli measures in Jerusalem
1 week geleden
High Representative of the European Commission for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell arrives at Rafah crossing
1 week geleden
Egyptian Presidency: Sisi, Borrell review efforts to reach ceasefire in Gaza
1 week geleden
Egyptian Foreign Minister: No one can outbid our country regarding the fight against terrorism, and any lies repeated by any party have nothing to do with reality
1 week geleden
Egyptian Foreign Minister: We are making every effort in the negotiation process to stop the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip
Egypt's Foreign Minister and UAE President @MohamedBinZayed discuss ways to resolve the escalating Sudan crisis as well as the tensions between Ethiopia and Somalia1 week geleden
Egypt's Foreign Minister and UAE President @MohamedBinZayed discuss ways to resolve the escalating Sudan crisis as well as the tensions between Ethiopia and Somalia
1 week geleden
Egyptian Foreign Minister arrives in Abu Dhabi
Ethiopian Army Chief, General Berhanu Jula, speaking in Jigjiga, Somali Region, stated that Somalia’s collapse began with the 1977 war against Ethiopia. He claimed foreign powers pushed Somalia into the conflict, only to abandon it later. Jula linked recent cooperation between Somalia and Egypt to the 1977 conflict, suggesting similar external influences. The General made these remarks while visiting the Somali region’s capital, with a photo showing him seated next to the regional president2 week geleden
Ethiopian Army Chief, General Berhanu Jula, speaking in Jigjiga, Somali Region, stated that Somalia’s collapse began with the 1977 war against Ethiopia. He claimed foreign powers pushed Somalia into the conflict, only to abandon it later. Jula linked recent cooperation between Somalia and Egypt to the 1977 conflict, suggesting similar external influences. The General made these remarks while visiting the Somali region’s capital, with a photo showing him seated next to the regional president
Israeli Broadcasting Authority: The visit of the Egyptian Chief of Staff to the Gaza border is a continuation of the harsh messages coming from Cairo against Prime Minister Netanyahu regarding the Philadelphi Corridor
2 week geleden
Egyptian Army Chief of Staff inspects situation and security measures on Gaza border
2 week geleden
Erdogan: Egypt and Turkey have a common position on the Palestinian issue
2 week geleden
Al-Sisi: The crises the region is experiencing confirm the importance of Egyptian-Turkish cooperation
2 week geleden
Signing of agreements between Türkiye and Egypt in the presence of Presidents Erdogan and Sisi
2 week geleden
Erdogan: We continue to work to ensure that Israeli officials who committed crimes in Gaza are held accountable