19 De septiembre de 2024
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Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores egipcio: La estabilidad, la unidad y la seguridad de Libia son parte integral de la seguridad nacional egipcia
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Egipto pide al Consejo de Seguridad y a las potencias internacionalmente influyentes que asuman su responsabilidad para detener la escalada en Oriente Medio
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Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores egipcio: Egipto condena la peligrosa política israelí de escalada y advierte sobre las consecuencias de la política de asesinatos y violaciones de la soberanía de los Estados
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Egipto solicita a Omán que solicite a los hutíes que dejen de atacar a los barcos en el Mar Rojo, ya que los ataques están arruinando la economía egipcia debido a la pérdida de ingresos del Canal de Suez. Los ataques hutíes están dañando a Egipto más que a Israel
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Egipto subrayó la importancia de apoyar al Líbano y "evitarle el flagelo de la guerra" y advirtió sobre los peligros de abrir un nuevo frente bélico
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Una alta fuente egipcia niega que Israel haya informado a Egipto de su respuesta a la propuesta de tregua y que lo que circulan sean filtraciones israelíes para encubrir el discurso de Netanyahu en el Congreso.
El equipo de negociación israelí le dice a Egipto que Israel se retirará del cruce fronterizo de Rafah y del corredor de Filadelfia. Israel también aceptará un alto el fuego de una semana en Gaza a cambio de la liberación de rehenes
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The Egyptian Parliament agrees to grant confidence to the new government
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The Chairman of the Suez Canal Authority discusses with the Commander of the US Central Command the tensions in the Red Sea
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The Israeli army: The search for Hamas smuggling tunnels across the border between Gaza and Egypt will take months
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Police are looking into a possible security incident along the Egyptian border near Eilat, near Route 12. A heavy presence of police forces is searching the area. Drivers are being asked to use other roads and not to arrive to the area
The Egyptian Foreign Minister visits Somalia as part of a delegation inaugurating a new EgyptAir route from Cairo to Mogadishu.
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Reuters: According to the agreement on the monitoring system, Israel will withdraw its forces from the border area with Egypt within the framework of the Gaza ceasefire agreement
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The Foreign Ministers of Egypt and Jordan discuss a number of regional issues, most notably the war in the Gaza Strip, the risks of escalation in Lebanon and Syria, and the security of the Red Sea.
US Department of State: .@SecBlinken and Egyptian Foreign Minister Badr Abdelatty discussed the urgency of reaching a ceasefire in Gaza that secures the release of hostages. The Secretary thanked Egypt for its ongoing humanitarian support to Palestinians and affirmed our long-standing partnership
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The Egyptian President discusses with the director of the CIA efforts to reach a ceasefire agreement in Gaza
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Egyptian Prime Minister: We are doing our best to stop the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip
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Egyptian Foreign Minister: There is no peace or stability in the region without resolving the Palestinian issue
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Egyptian Foreign Minister: There must be an inclusive, non-exclusive framework for all Sudanese parties in the political process
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Egyptian Foreign Minister: An immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the immediate deployment of more aid are the priority of this stage
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Egyptian Foreign Minister: There is no alternative to UNRWA
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Egyptian Foreign Minister: Egypt provided 70% of the aid that entered the Gaza Strip
Head of Israeli Shin Bet will head today a delegation to Cairo for the hostage deal talks
In Israel, office of PM Netanyahu: any agreement with Hamas must stipulate that fighting will continue until our objectives have been met. In addition, any agreement must prevent the smuggling of weapons from Egypt to Gaza
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Al-Sisi stresses that Cairo will continue its efforts aimed at a ceasefire in Gaza and the entry of aid
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Egyptian Foreign Minister: The international community must take action to stop the Sudan war
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Egyptian Foreign Minister: We are working to help Sudan overcome the crisis
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Egyptian Foreign Minister: We must work towards an immediate and sustainable cessation of the conflict in order to preserve brotherly Sudan
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The Egyptian Foreign Minister affirms the role of United Nations institutions in meeting the urgent and emergency needs imposed by the war on Gaza
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Egypt's new Foreign Minister confirms the continuation of Egyptian efforts to reach a deal under which a ceasefire will be established in Gaza